Child Policy
To Enhance Your Visit Exerience
Most cat cafes have restrictions against young children visiting, however, Kitty Bubble attempts to allow as many people as possible. Currently we allow anyone 6 years or older into the Cat Lounge. In order to continue to allow this, we need help from parents as well.
Here is what we ask:
1. Children ages 6 - 12 must be accompanied by a paid adult
2. Require 1 ticketed adult for every 2 ticketed children.
3. Actively Supervise Your Children
- Please know that we require parents to actively supervise their children.
- Active supervision means watching their children to make sure they are interacting with the cats appropriately and following the rules of the Lounge area.
- We have had parents bring their children into the Lounge and immediately start texting, answering emails, playing on their phone, or step away to take a phone call.
- While we want everyone’s Lounge experience to be enjoyable and relaxing, we also expect that parents will take responsibility for the child or children with them.
- Our Lounge Attendants are present to help monitor visitors in the Lounge, but should not be expected to act as babysitters for any children visiting.
4. Be Sure Your Children Can Help Maintain A Calm Environment
- We work hard to keep a calm and relaxed environment for both our guests and our resident kitties to enjoy the Lounge to the fullest.
- If your child would not be happy or comfortable in this kind of environment, we would ask that you consider restricting your visit to the cafe side and observing our kitties through one of our ‘Bubble’ windows until your child may be more prepared to participate in the quiet environment of the Lounge.
- That way, everyone–both two-legged and four-legged can enjoy their time in our Cat Lounge.
5. Prepare Your Children To Listen To Directions
- We understand that even when you are watching your children, sometimes they will act in ways that you do not want them to.
- Make sure they are willing and able to comply with directions given to them by the Lounge Attendants in the Cat Lounge.
- This is for their safety as well as the safety and well being of the cats.
6. Decisions Made By Staff Are Final
- Before entry, the Lounge Attendant will discuss the rules and ways to keep the calm and relaxed environment we seek to maintain at Kitty Bubble.
- If children enter the Cat Lounge and do not act appropriately and in accordance with the rules discussed, we will inform them and you of this as a warning.
- If there continues to be problematic behavior, our Lounge Attendants may issue up to 3 warnings in accordance with our “3 Strikes” policy, after which you and your child will be asked to exit the Lounge and your session will be terminated.
- This decision made by staff is FINAL.
- No refunds will be given if children are required to leave due to their behavior.
7. Conclusion
- We have had numerous children come and visit us and spend time in our Cat Lounge, and we have had only a small number of incidents that required us to remove a child and their parent(s) or guardian(s) from the Lounge. We are happy to share our love for cats with as many people as possible, and with the cooperation of parents and guardians, we hope to be able to continue this policy well into the future.